Personal Projects
2020 was a time of reflection for all of us.
I teamed up with the Brandeis Arts Network to create an ongoing series interviewing Brandeis Alumni who are fine artists. Each episode, we virtually explore their studios, speak with them about their current work, and explore how these artists have reacted to the isolation - and freedom - of quarantine.

Virtual Studio Salon III: Fine Arts Faculty
April 21, 2021
Featured Artists: Joe Wardwell, Susan Lichtman and Alfredo Gisholt
Virtually tour the studios of three Fine Arts Department faculty members. They’ll talk about their artistic careers and the projects they’re working on, in a conversation with Alumni Arts Network members Danielle Friedman ’09, Zoe Messinger ’13 and Alison Judd ’04.

Virtual Studio Salon II: Alumni Artists, it's Political!
December 14, 2020
Featured Artists: Brontë Velez '16, Marlon Forrester '04, Naomi Safran-Hon '08
Hear about the political focus in each of these artists' work, the ways it is shifting with the pandemic and how a Brandeis education has informed each of their creative processes.

Virtual Studio Visit: Alumni Artists in Quarantine
June 30, 2020
Featured Artists: Farnaz Gholami ’13, Victoria Nunley ’14 Jenna Weiss ’07
Hear how quarantine has affected these artists’ work and learn how Brandeis has informed where they are now in their creative lives.